As SRA is the topic, please forgive a plug for a new workshop to be
offered in Chicago called "The Empty Room: Organizing to Support Sponsored
Research from Scratch." It's designed specifically
for new administrators in settings where there is no
sponsored programs office, or the office has been reorganized and
strenthened (perhaps moved away from Development)
The workshop gives a fairly comprehensive overview of process, policies,
approaches and the handbook is extensive, with samples of forms, model
policies, etc.
We've piloted it regionally, and it seems to
be well received. If you know of institutions/orgaizations in your area who
are in this predicament perhaps they might might be interested.
Julie B. Cole, CRA
P.O. Box 7528, Reynolda Station
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109
(910) 759-5888
(910) 759-4823 FAX