At our institution we sometimes encounter
difficulties in setting or justifying salaries
for those employed for grants. The wide salary
range, for example, of biology technicians,
creates some problems between the numbers
tossed out by our personnel department, the
numbers used by our faculty researchers to
attract skilled, experienced, workers, and
the demands of the granting agency. It would
be of GREAT help to us if RESADM readers
would participate in this SHORT Questionnaire.
Responses will be accepted with gratitude in
any format, snail mail, fax, or e-mail, to:
Rick Francis, Office of Research, Univ.of
Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606, fax 419-537-7893,
e-mail => Thanks.
QUESTIONNAIRE Positions Supported by External Funding
1. Are professional positions created
for specific grant and contract activities
placed in same institutional classifications
as other University employees of the same type?
a. Do these employees receive the same
benefits package?
b. Do these employees receive the same
rate of pay increase as regular University
employees in the same classifications?
c. Do these employees receive limited
contracts with no obligation from the
institution for continued employment?
d. Do these employees accrue vacation?
2. Does your institution use any of the
following job titles for untenured,
professional positions? (Please check
the ones applicable to your institution.)
____ Postdoctoral Fellow
____ Research Technician
____ Postdoctoral Research Assistant
____ Research Assistant Professor
____ Postdoctoral Research Associate
____ Research Associate Professor
____ Research Assistant
____ Research Professor
____ Research Associate
____ Director
____ Dean
____ Other _____________________________________
3. How is the compensation structure applied
to determining the salary of any of
these positions?
a. Is the level of academic training
the deciding factor? (i.e. level
is determined by terminal degree.)
b. Is there a discernable degree of
ability to work independently?
If so, how is it determined?
c. Is there a defined structure that
accommodates all the positions that
have been created by are supported
by externally funded grants
and contracts?
d. How are salaries determined for
University staff involved in work
at federal laboratories?
Please send responses in any format (snail mail,
fax, or e-mail) to: Rick Francis, Office of
Research, Univof Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606,fax
419-537-7893, e-mail =>