Re: Incentives for Faculty Obtaining Sponsored Awards
julie cole 10 Aug 1995 13:17 EST
We've used the departmental capture of faculty time as an incentive as
well. It works really well in those departments that understand the
budget process, although we've had some last minute heroics to use
year-end funds that weren't noticed until May. Also, we're looking into
the possibility of a major adjustment to the indirect cost return as
incentive, with a set-aside to provide for dedicated travel, secretarial
support, collaborative meetings to develop proposals, etc. available for
faculty developing applications.
While not using much in the way of direct compensation, we try to extend
the goodwill of the adsministration to those actively seeking funds by
special recognition functions, direct communoication from our deans and
provost, and other non-financial means.
Julie B. Cole, CRA
P.O. Box 7528, Reynolda Station
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina 27109
(910) 759-5888
(910) 759-4823 FAX