I have started sending out important messages via e-mail. It is a wonderful
time saver and the response has been tremendous. Most e-mail packages allow
a user to create "nicknames" - i.e., I only have to type in "WU
Administrators" in the "to" line, and the message is sent to the 68 persons
in a matter of seconds.
We are contemplating a listserv for some more confidential matters, such as
technology transfer information. There are some PIs who are resistant, but
usually it's because they're not certain how it works and one has to take a
little time to show them how it works, and then generally they are fine. We
are actively seeking out the PIs and are getting their addresses and, when
the time comes, will be working with them to get them all signed up.
Violet E. Horvath
Grants Administrator
>Charlie: Our office has opened a campus-wide listserv and I forward
>important announcements (both internal information and external program
>information) over the listserv. Our only problem is in getting our
>faculty to sign-on. I don't feel we have had a very good response to
>this service. Has anyone else tried this method successfully? Does it
>just take time for them to get comfortable with receiving electronic
>information? Your responses will be appreciated.
>Carol Davis, Grants Specialist
>Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
>106 University Hall
>Bowling Green State University
>Bowling Green, OH 43403