Grantsmanship Library and Workroom follow-up
Ann Powell 08 Aug 1995 08:51 EST
Several weeks ago I posted some questions related to a "workroom".
Before asking for more information from the group, I'd like to summarize
the responses I got regarding whether or not institutions have centralized
workrooms. I received only two responses, both in the positive, stating
they do provide extra help and assistance to encourage faculty to put in
proposals. Both respondents were from institutions with approx. $4M in
sponsored funding. We have since decided here that a workroom is not what
we want to do, and the lack of responses I think helped justify that
We have now been requested to evaluate the value of our grantsmanship
library, since there has been some discussion suggesting it perhaps should
be eliminated. (Please note we also support electronic access to a
multitude of funding databases that our faculty/staff/student can search).
Does it sound like we are having FUN yet?! :-) Obviously, I need help!
Could you please respond to the following questions:
1. How many central offices have grantsmanship library facilities in
their space?
2. Who uses it? Faculty? Students? Staff?
3. What kind of publications and related information is in the library?
4. Does it double as a meeting room?
5. How much are you spending on publications? Staffing?
6. What is the title of the person who oversees the library?
7. Is the library perceived as useful? By whom? Why?
8. Do you plan to continue supporting the library in the future?
Other comments, suggestions or advice would be welcome. Thank you.
Ann Powell
Director, Office of Research Administration
Scholes Hall, Room 102
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-6003
Phone: (505) 277-2256 FAX (505) 277-5567
Ann Powell
Director, Office of Research Adminstration
Scholes Hall, Room 102
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131-6003
Phone: (505) 277-2256
FAX: (505) 277-5567