From: Darrell Erickson, Sponsored Programs Administrator
Foundation Sponsored Programs (x1123)
We are anticipating more involvement with corporate partners on university
projects in the future and are interested in how other universities handle
pre-award teaming agreements. Our practice has been to submit proposals to
sponsors with a caveat that subcontracts will be subject to bid and that
subcontractors "named" in the proposal will either compete for the subcontract
or justified on a sole source basis. Without pre-qualification for a sole
source contract prior to proposal submission we feel this type of caveat is
necessary. I understand that some universities enter into teaming agreements
with corporate sponsors, submit the proposal with the corporate sponsor
indicated as the subcontractor, and do not require either a sole source
justification or competitive bid process. Although we have not had a problem
to date with our procedure, it is understandable why a corporate partner would
question it if they had brought the opportunity to light and expected
development of a joint proposal. I'd appreciate any thoughts on the subject.