Re: Grant Tracker FEINTUCH, KAREN 03 Aug 1995 17:53 EST

On 8/3/95, Chris Beecher wrote:

>Does anyone know what company puts out Grant Tracker?  and if it is any good
>when compared to using FileMaker Pro or FoxPro?

GrantTracker is a product of Kendrick Smith.  If you want to give it a try,
he'll send you a demo disc (won't save the data).  His voice and fax number is
(415)493-7210 or Email  Several groups at my institution us the

IBM version and seem satisfied.  I tried the Mac version and did not like it at
all.  I'm still looking for a good (or at least adequate) Excel based program.

*Karen Feintuch                     *
*Beckman Res. Inst., City of Hope   *
*voice (818) 301-8301               *
*email            *