To: listserv-research admin
now that I have finally figured out how to send a message to the listserv,
I am sending a message that I tried to send a few weeks ago. I hope the
information is still usefull to some of you.
From: Charlie Tardivo on Fri, May 26, 1995 3:08 PM
Subject: FASB #106
To: listserv-research admin
Many institutions went through this when FASB #43 came out over ten years
ago. the process that was used was to identify the total cost of year one
and determine how much can be expensed in that year and stated on the
balance sheet.if the liability was too great an amount to expense in one
year then a plan was developed to spread the costs over an appropriate
number of years for that institution.
most institutions that I am aware of charge the expense to the employee
benefit pool as opposed to indirect cost.
Charlie Tardivo
Director of Grant Administration and Accounting Operations
Whitehead Institute for Biomedical
From: Research Administration Discussion Group on Thu, May 25, 1995 12:35
Subject: Uncl: APBO
To: Charlie Tardivo; Margo Lucareli
From: Darrell Erickson, Sponsored Programs Administrator
Foundation Sponsored Programs (x1123)
In response to FASB 106, our Foundation is recognizing a significant
liability for Accumulated Post-Retirement Benefit Obligations and budgeting
for annual costs of all sponsored project employees on an annual basis. To
so, we are taking a big hit this year and significant budget increases for
future years. I am interested in how others are dealing with this. We have
discussed direct charging as a benefit, benefit pools, inclusion in future
indirect cost rates, etc.. Any comments are appreciated.