FAR clauses in subcontract from for-profit to not-for-profit Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D. 31 Jul 1995 17:09 EST

 A for-profit entity receives a federal CONTRACT with all of the
appropriate FAR clauses for a for-profit entity.  The for-profit then
issues a subcontract to an educational institution (in this case a state
supported institution, if that matters) to do a part of the work. In the
subcontract the for-profit "flows down" to the educational
institution all of the FAR clauses that were in the Prime.  Is the
educational institution responsible for compliance with ALL the FAR
clauses that come to it in the subcontract, or only those applicable to
educational institutions?  How much flexibility does the prime recipient
have to change the requirements that go out to the subcontractor?  For
example, substituting a patent clause that would be appropriate for an
educational institution, allowing the institution, rather than the
government to have title to inventions or deleting or modifying the
requirement for indemnification of the government.

Doug Wilkerson, Ph.D.           VOICE:  (419) 381-4252
Assoc. V.P. for Research        FAX:    (419) 381-4262
Professor of Pharmacology       e-mail: xxxxxx@GEMINI.MCO.EDU
Medical College of Ohio
3000 Arlington Ave.
Toledo, OH 43614