Re: Healthy People 2000 Bruce Steinert, PhD - Urology Research 31 Jul 1995 08:26 EST

This publication is available from Superintendent of Documents, Government
Printing Office, Washington, DC  20402-9325, phone (202) 783-3238. The full
report is Stock # 017-001-00474-0 (cost about $35 in 1992). A summary
report is also available as Stock # 017-001-00474-1 for about half the cost.
The full report book has been useful in focusing RO1 proposals, but RFAs
usually comply to the "HP2K" recommendations at their release.

Hope that helps.

Bruce W. Steinert, Ph.D.
Department of Urology
William Beaumont Hospital
3601 West Thirteen Mile Road        (810) 551-2572 (Voice)
Royal Oak, MI  48073-6769           (810) 551-8107 (FAX)