Rejection messages Elizabeth A. Mazzella 27 Jul 1995 11:45 EST

To all,

Please note that when you post a message to RESADM-L, RESADM-L sends
it to all subscribers.  If it has difficulty reaching a subscriber,
it sends me a note as the listowner, but it also sends a note to the
originator of the message to let them know that someone on the
list did not receive the message.  If you look at the text of some
of the "bounce" messages being referred to, you will see that
they include a phrase like

"Mail could not be delivered to"

It is ONLY that did not get your mail -- unless you
get a general rejection like "you are not authorized to post" from the
LISTSERVER, you mail has made it to the list.  The set REPRO will
send you a copy if you'd like (thanks to the user who posted that hint)

Also, if you are receiving a notice that you are "not authorized to
post to RESADM-L from your "XXX" account" chances are your address
has changed since you subscribed, but mail is still being  forwarded
from your old address.  RESADM-L is sending mail to your OLD address
and then your server is forwarding it to your new address, so you still
get your mail.  HOWEVER, when you try to post directly from your
new address to RESADM-L, RESADM-L says, "I don't recognize this address
as being a subscriber"  and sends you back the "you are not authorized
to post" message.  It gives you a hint by pointing out that you
may be authorized to mail from another account.

If you are getting these errors on posting send me a note with your
old address and I will take you off on your old address and you can
then resubscribe under your new address.

The best advice I can give when you get error messages from LISTSERV
is to read them.  Computers are extremely literal and once you get
through all the gobbledegook at the heading, there should be a fairly
clear message hidden in there somewhere.

Sorry not to have posted this earlier - I have been out for a
few days.Thanks to those of you that jumped in to address a few
problems in the interim--feel free to do so anytime! (please, please)

P.S.  RESADM-L is now on internet

The Listserver:

One more thing.  If your commands are getting screwed up by signature
lines when you send them to the server, it helps if each line of
your signature line is preceded by a "*" When your signature line
is set up like this, the server knows to ignore it.

* Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella            xxxxxx@HEALTH.STATE.NY.US*
* Director, Technology Transfer & Contract Programs           *
* Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209  *
* Voice: (518) 431-1200                    Fax: (518)431-1234 *