Date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 19:57:00 EST
Subject: IDEs
Sender: "Diane C. Gilbert (617)722-6224" <xxxxxx@A1.MGH.HARVARD.EDU>
To: xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2
MIME-version: 1.0
Posting-date: Thu, 20 Jul 1995 20:13:00 EST
Importance: normal
A1-type: MAIL
TO: Multiple Recipients
I need to have an off-line discussion with an expert on IDEs. Is
there anyone out there who could help? Is there a well-informed and
friendly soul at the FDA with whom one could ask questions about a
situation without giving your name!
Thank you.
Diane Gilbert
Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
Boston, MA
tel: 617-722-6224
fax: 617-722-6241