Since everyone is thinking Web....
My Web Server is on a Macintosh. I'm trying to find the proper syntax for
some MIME script. We have MS Word and Excel documents we want to make
available to browsers. The idea is that when you select the item on
someone else's Web page, a window on your computer pops up and asks where
(on your computer) you would like this item to be saved.
I've this function on other Web Sites and have duplicated the MIME script
via the View Source command, but apparently these servers are on
non-Macintosh platforms because the MIME script doesn't work for our
Anyone have some advice? Help?
Jean N. Humphries
Director, Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
Texas A&M University System
006 Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center - MS 3406
College Station TX 77843-3406
Phone: (409) 845-1264
Fax: (409) 845-9643