Intellectual Property Policies Norman Meeks 06 Jul 1995 15:13 EST

I am in the process of reviewing our internal intellectual property
policies and procedures.  Especially, I am looking at those aspects that
impact on employees and consortia members.  If there are folks who would be
willing to share their policies with me including, for example, the
employment agreement signed by new/existing employees, I would appreciate
it it very much.  I would be especially interested in talking with those
folks at non-profit consortium type organizations.  By the way, our
picture here is a non-profit consortia comprised of some 80+ members
covering the gamut from larger airframe manufacturers and chemical
companies through smaller manufactruing companies to colleges,
universities and other non-profits. We deal with composites RDT&E and
manufacturing processes.


Norman A. Meeks
Contracts Manager
GreatLakes Composites Consortium
8401 LakeView Parkway Suite 200
Kenosha WI 53142

(V)    414-947-8902
(FAX)  414-947-7915

PS I can also be reached via American-On-Line at "".