Re: Gopher/Web Sites With A-21, A-110, etc.
Jo Meyertons 30 Jun 1995 15:24 EST
There are a number of places to access OMB Circulars on the WWW. My
favorite is under GrantsWeb (easily found via most Web browsers through
the search feature). GrantsWeb has lots of other useful data too. Happy
crawling -
Jo Meyertons
U Maryland ORAA
> Is anyone aware of any gopher or World Wide Web sites (government or
> non-government) that provide the text of A-21 and/or A-110? If so, please post
> them here or e-mail me directly. Thanks for your help.
> Jim Ball
> OSU Research Foundation
> 614-292-6278 phone
> 614-292-4315 fax