Re[2]: MidWest SRA Speakers Network Mike (Spanky) McCallister 19 Jun 1995 16:27 EST

I think I wll get my target of a dozen or so presentors and
sessions.  Some people are offering more than one, a couple of
people will present only in tandem.  I've already booked one session
that Zuzolo and I do, but it's down in North Carolina.  It's for a
member, though, and that's all that counts.  Some of the sessions
will have no takers and others will be over-subscribed. I am
already really worried about my schedule.  I just picked up a
committee job for NCURA and have NO idea how I will do it.
It's the travel time and money that are hard.

But the Network is sufficiently big for a pilot.  Then you will get
to decide upon which committee this can be foisted.  I want to talk
in detail about how this might go nationally, if we adopt it.
I feel our staff will want to raise the prices to generate income.
I want to keep it cheap and collegial.  The coordination, I feel,
should be considered like the Journal-- a cost that we must augment
as a service to members.  We've lots of time to hammer this out.

Going nuts down here.

Put your money where your mouth is.  You want an app?

>       Spanky:
>       If you get hard up, we Northeasterns travel for a modest fee.  Nice
>       work!
>       Diane

Mike McCallister, Ph.D.
Director, Sponsored Programs
Southeast MIssouri State University
One University Plaza
Cape Girardeau, MO  63701
fax 314-651-2001

Delbert says, "Someday, Baby. Someday, Maybe. Maybe Someday, Baby."