Re: restructuring of Sponsored Projects Linda Campbell 13 Jun 1995 11:22 EST

The Sponsored Projects Office at Santa Clara University was
restructured 9 years ago and since that time has been responsible
for both pre- and post-award administration.  The office has
3 full-time professional staff (Director, Assistant to the
Director, and Accountant) and 2 part-time undergraduate student

SPO responsibilities include: providing funding information,
coordinating submissions with the Development Office, assisting
in proposal development, preparing budgets, reviewing and
processing proposals, packaging and mailing proposals (we don't
make copies of proposals, however), tracking proposals/awards,
negotiating awards, setting up accounts in the University's
financial system, approving/monitoring expenses, working with
Payroll/Purchasing/Accounts Payable etc. to resolve problems,
data entry into the financial system, tracking equipment purchases
on SPO awards, preparing financial reports, closing out accounts,
maintaining records for audit, and providing the University's
response to A-133 compliance and sponsor audits.  In addition,
SPO coordinates preparation of the University's indirect cost
rate proposal and negotiates it will DHHS.

The Director is an ex officio member of the Research, Human
Subjects, Animal Care & Use, Biosafety and Intellectual Property
Rights Committees.  She reviews application federal regulations
and advises the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs (to
whom SPO reports) and the committees listed above regarding
proposed changes and new requirements.  She also deals with
patent and licensing issues.

Linda Campbell
Assistant to the Director
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA  95053

email:  xxxxxx@SCUACC.SCU.EDU
phone:  408/554-4408
fax:    408/554/2389