Re: Sponsored Projects' Home Pages
Violet E. Horvath 12 Jun 1995 08:49 EST
In response to the query about home pages, you are welcome to examine ours
(Washington University Research Office). The address is:
While the heading says "Medical Campus Research Office", the information is
directed toward all of Washington University, not just the Medical School.
Some of the menu items are under construction, and since we've just changed
servers, links to some of the funding agencies have been lost and must be
In setting up the menu, I tried to proceed in a logical fashion (I know -
how dare I think logically??) A user goes from an introduction to important
announcements to contacting agencies, etc., etc. I am having trouble
getting forms onto the system.
Our home page exists through the good graces of the Medical Campus Library
computing staff, who kindly allow us to use their services and their server.
Violet E. Horvath
Grants Administrator
Washington University
>This summer our modest home page on the web will be moving to its own
>server where we will be able to do more interactive things with our clients
>(e.g., e-mail; maintain mailing lists; forms; and document retrieval). I
>would be interested in learning what exemplary home pages you have come
>across for a university's office of research and sponsored programs. For
>example, I recently came across the Arizona State University's home page
>and I think it is excellent.
>Looking forward to your responses.
>William F. Clark, Director
>Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
>San Francisco State University
>1600 Holloway Avenue
>San Francisco, CA 94132
>415.338.7094 (voice)
>415.338.2493 (fax)
> (e-mail)
> (web site)