As a former DIALOG user, I couldn't recommend the
product highly enough. Perhaps the way in which you use
it might be modified. In my previous position, we switched
from SPIN to DIALOG after doing some comparative
shopping. I used the CD-ROM version, however, which was
updated bimonthly (a very reasonable $850 per year). I find
the biweekly or monthly updates eat up a lot of my time and
offer few noticable benefits since I can call up the agency
for current data anyway....
I chose that option because of the time factors and expense
of downloading data. Both SPIN and DIALOG contain dated do our printed directories, etc. I believe
Spanky made an earlier comment about encouraging
faculty to follow the searches up with more fact finding and
personal contact with a program officer prior to proposal
preparation, and I agree wholeheartedly! No one should
ever act based on the printout of a computerized search.
I've tried to facilitate the process by requesting annual
reports and guidelines from many agencies. These
materials are kept in our office library for facutly use.
My evaluative searches of the two data bases turned up the
same sponsors, but the format/printout varied. Spin lists all
of a sponsors programs (which you then have to sort
through to find the appropriate one), and DIALOG only
provides the pertinant program data of a particular sponsor.
I personally found DIALOG easier to search and manipulate
and would go back to it if that were an option. UNCG uses
SPIN because the state system cut a deal with InfoEd, and
fortunately, Chapel Hill has been able to combine SPIN and a
few other resources for us. SPIN costs, like all data base
programs, vary grealty depending on inion, network
affiliation, and the package you opt to use.
Charna Howson
Assistant Director
Office of Research Services
The University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Greensboro, NC 27412-5001
Phone: (910) 334-5878
Fax: (910) 334-3140