Re: DIALOG Cindy Price 05 Jun 1995 13:35 EST

On Mon, 5 Jun 1995, Cynthia O. Burroughs wrote:

> After reading the discussion of SPIN and IRIS with only  a brief mention
> of DIALOG, I am wondering if anyone out there uses DIALOG.  We
> currently use this product to conduct searches, but it sounds like I
> need to check out the competition.  I'd like to get some feedback
> from those who use this product.  Here are my comments on DIALOG:
> * I have found some of the information to be out of date (I'm talking
> years).  The provider of the GRANTS database, Oryx Press, indicates
> that they update the database monthly, but I am not so sure they
> routinely purge their records.
> * DIALOG is expensive. We use the on-line search process
> via DialLink.  Expenses are incurred at every stage.  Users
> are required to purchase the software, pay for the necessary training
> courses and pay for on-line time and download charges which vary
> according to the database used.
> I have no idea how these costs compare with the costs of SPIN or
> IRIS, but I intend to do some comparison shopping.  If there are
> other DIALOG users out there, I would appreciate your comments.
> Thanks.
> Cindy R. Burroughs
> Grants Coordinator
> Office of the Vice President for Research
> Sponsored Programs
> The University of Georgia
> 622A Boyd GRSC
> Athens, GA  30602-7411
> (706) 542-5972
The University of Toledo has used both SPIN and DIALOG.  For our purposes
as a comprehensive, Doctoral I institution which supports various grants,
contracts, and sponsored programs, SPIN has served us well.  We currently
provide direct access to the database via gopher to our researchers and
still maintain a very active clientele who prefer in-office assistance.
Access to SPIN gopher proved to be very economical as most Ohio schools
came together for an excellent group rate.  Only on rare occassions do
we utilize DIALOG.