Re: Employees receiving subject stipends
Violet E. Horvath 30 May 1995 14:57 EST
In response to Domenica Pappas' inquiry about whether employees functioning
as paid research subjects on company time constitutes double-dipping:
I am a full time employee who often participates in on-campus research
projects. Whenever possible, I try to go during my lunch hour or after
hours. When this is not possible, I take the time I am absent as vacation
time, or I stay late or work over my lunch hour in order to make up the
time. If I go during work hours, my absence has to be cleared by my
supervisors, even if I am taking the absence as vacation time or if I will
be making the time up.
Also, since I am an employee, I cannot receive cash compensation (unless the
amount is minor). Anything over a certain amount is counted as salary and
comes to me via a bi-weekly payroll check, and taxes are taken out.
While I don't believe employees should be forbidden from participating in
research projects, I do question going on company time (without taking it as
vacation or making up the time) and getting paid. In my view, that would
indeed constitute double-dipping.
Violet E. Horvath
Grants Administrator
Washington University
Medical Campus Research Office