Re: Electronic Proposal Approvals -Reply
Pamela Brown 24 May 1995 14:20 EST
At Stony Brook, we are about to begin a pilot in proposal routing using a
product called LINKWORKS. The product was developed in Europe, but
DEC is the vendor with which we are dealing. The package permits form
transfers between
"all" platforms - DOS, Womdows, Mac, Unix, etc., provides signatures,
logging and everything else necessary. The campus is connected
through a ubiquitous
TCP/IP network
The pilot will involve about 20 faculty initially and will handle the routing
through chairs and deans to the Sponsored Project Office. It will involve
Human Subjects approval as well. I will keep this list posted as to the
level of success of the pilot
Bob Schneider
Director of Informatics and Compliance
Office of the Vice President for Research
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Looks great if everyone is on-line--and reads their e-mail!! PB