Human/Animal Subject Information for PI's Jean Humphries 11 May 1995 12:10 EST

 You might contact Arizona State.  When I was at ASU a couple of
years ago they had some good booklets on animal/human subjects.  Carol
Jablonski used to be in charge of that area -- 602-965-6788 -- used to be
the number.  If that doesn't work, 602-965-1225 should.

Jean N. Humphries
Director, Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
Texas A&M University System

006 Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center - MS 3406
College Station TX 77843-3406

Phone:  (409) 845-1264
Fax:    (409) 845-9643

>Date:         Mon, 8 May 1995 10:24:14 -0800
>Reply-To: Research Administration Discussion Group
>              <RESADM-L%xxxxxx@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU>
>Sender: Research Administration Discussion Group
>              <RESADM-L%xxxxxx@UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU>
>From: Holly Carpenter <xxxxxx@CCVAX.FULLERTON.EDU>
>Subject:      Human/Animal Subject Information for PI's
>To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
>I serve as coordinator for the human and animal subjects review process at
>CSU, Fullerton.  I would like to develop a set of brochures which I can
>give to investigators who are submitting grants for projects using human
>or animal subjects.  These would not take the place of a full handbook, but
>would introduce the investigators to the basic concepts and procedures of
>applying for human/animal subject review.
>If you have this type of brochure (or handout) at your institution and
>would be willing to share it with me, please let me know.  I would be
>happy to send a copy of our finished product as well.
>Holly Carpenter
>Faculty Research & Development  MH-112
>California State University, Fullerton
>Fullerton, CA 92634
>TEL:  (714) 449-7640
>FAX:  (714) 773-3000


Jean N. Humphries
Director, Research Services
Texas Engineering Experiment Station
Texas A&M University System

006 Wisenbaker Engineering Research Center - MS 3406
College Station TX 77843-3406

Phone:  (409) 845-1264
Fax:    (409) 845-9643