IRB Fees Rebecca B. Bacon 11 May 1995 07:02 EST

We currently charge an IRB fee of $750.00 per protocol.  A few years ago
we charged no fee.  However, a new faculty member (who came from a pharm.
company) suggested we institute such a policy.  It was discussed and
voila! a new policy was set.  At our institution the rationale behind it
is this, we review many, many, protocols from our community faculty.  These
individuals are not full-time employees/paid by the institution, therefore
not contributing financially to indirect cost recovery.  In essence, they
received the service for "free".  However, the fee is not selective to
just this group of indivduals.  It is assessed on all protocols provided
it can be paid.  We are not overly rigid in the enforcement but do expect
faculty to pursue reimbursement.

To answer you're questions specifically:  we took guidance fromthe faculty
member who suggested it.  Since he was from the pharmaceutical industry, he
was aware of what his previous employer was willing to pay.  We did decrease
it somewhat from the original number.  Yes, these fees can help offset the
cost of preparing the protocol for submission.  Some of our faculty add on
additional $$ to offfset their personnel time.  This is in the range of
$250.  Thus the IRB gets its fee plus the dept. gets some offset.  I'm
unsure if companies "require" documentation for payment per say.  We
actually bill the PI's.  It's not "padding" in the budget.  Some compnaies
want to be billed directly (obviously to ensure the fee is legit).

If you want additional information, write or call.  I'll be happy to
discuss it further.

Rebecca Bacon
Director, Office of Research
Eastern Virginia Medical School