All proposals sent to external funding sources, including Foundations,
require submission of a signed Transmittal Form before a proposal goes off
campus. Again, because it is the institution that is the recipient and
fiscal agent for most grant awrds, prior approval is required. I try to
encourage authors to submit proposals when they submit their original
pre-proposals, because if the budget is approved at that time, they do not
need to do a new Transmittal Form when the formal proposal is submitted.
Of course I don't always catch faculty that go merrily off on their
I periodically check the chart of accounts from our Business Office to
identify new grant accounts that slipped past me.
Live long and prosper. >:-I
Nancy Kay Peterson
Director of Grants
Somsen Hall, Room 202-C
Winona State University
Winona, MN 55987
Phone: 507/457-5519
FAX: 507/457-5586