Re: Priorities for grants
Carol Davis 25 Apr 1995 08:48 EST
This is also our procedure for federal proposals. One problem may be a
faculty who reads of a foundation and independently sends off an
inquiry. How do you make sure all foundation proposals are processed
through your central administration office? Are all foundation proposals
required to obtain approval and signatures - even letters of inquiry or
preliminary proposals?
Carol Davis, Grants Specialist
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
106 University Hall
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
On Tue, 25 Apr 1995, Nancy Peterson wrote:
> RE Carol Davis' question on prior approvals:
> All faculty and staff are required to submit a signed Transmittal Form to
> the Grants Office before a proposal is sent off campus to an external
> funding source. A proposal that does not commit institutional funds to a
> project requires the signature of the author, the Grants Director, and the
> President or VP. (Note there are only four individuals on our campus
> legally authorized to sign off on grant proposals.) A proposal requiring an
> institutional commitment must be also be signed by an individual authorized
> to make such a commitment.
> Since the Transmittal Form is required, I should be able to catch potential
> multiple submissions. In reality, sometimes proposals suddenly appear on my
> desk at the last minute, but over the years, the number of last minute
> proposals has decreased somewhat, mainly because we offer to help authors
> with editing, production and mailing. (It's amazing how much more
> cooperative grantwriters are when you offer to make all the copies for
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Live long and prosper. >:-I
> Nancy Kay Peterson
> Director of Grants
> Somsen Hall, Room 202-C
> Winona State University
> Winona, MN 55987
> Phone: 507/457-5519
> FAX: 507/457-5586