Re: Priorities for Grants Carol Davis 25 Apr 1995 07:17 EST

Most of our submissions are federal but few do submit to foundations.  Do
you require internal review and approval on all foundation proposals or
how do you keep multiple faculty from contacting the same source
resulting in a disjointed appearance of the university
Carol Davis, Grants Specialist
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
106 University Hall
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403

On Mon, 24 Apr 1995, Nancy Peterson wrote:

> WSU just established a policy last fall for handling multiple submissions:
> "In instances where WSU faculty and staff prepare competing grant
> applications for submission to the same funding source program, which
> formally prohibits or informally descourages submission of multiple
> applications from a single institution, WSU will approve the submission of
> only one of the applications.  Faculty and staff are encouraged to notify
> the Grants Director of their intent to submit a grant application as soon as
> they decide to do so.  As soon as the Grants Director becomes aware that
> potentially competing applications are under preparation, the Director will
> work with the applicants to facilitate preparation of a collaborative
> proposal.  If such collaboration is not feasible due to proposal content
> and/or time restraints, the Director will notify the appropriate Dean.  The
> Deans' Council will recommend to the President which application will be
> submitted."
> We haven't used this policy to date, but having it on record (and publicized
> to the faculty) means at least my office won't be put in the position of
> making a last minute decision on which grant gets submitted.  I think it's
> also a reminder that most grants are made to the institution, not the
> individual (though I admit some agencies do not operate that way).
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Live long and prosper.   >:-I
> Nancy Kay Peterson
> Director of Grants
> Somsen Hall, Room 202-C
> Winona State University
> Winona, MN  55987
> Phone:  507/457-5519
> FAX:    507/457-5586