I am forwarding this message to all RESADM-L users. I received it from TECHNO-L. For those of you on both lists, I apologize for th e duplication. * Elizabeth (Liz) Mazzella xxxxxx@ALBNYDH2.BITNET * * Director, Technology Transfer & Contract Programs * * Health Research, Inc. (A Non-Profit Corp.) Albany NY 12209 * * Voice: (518) 431-1200 Fax: (518)431-1234 * *** Forwarding note from . --. 04/20/95 12:48 *** Received: from CNSIBM.ALBANY.EDU by ALBNYDH2 (Mailer R2.10 ptf000) with BSMTP id 7446; Thu, 20 Apr 95 12:48:11 EDT Received: from ALBNYVM1 (NJE origin xxxxxx@ALBNYVM1) by CNSIBM.ALBANY.EDU (LMail V1.2a/1.8a) with BSMTP id 4693; Thu, 20 Apr 1995 12:47:05 -0400 Received: from sparkyfs.erg.sri.com by UACSC2.ALBANY.EDU (IBM VM SMTP V2R2) with TCP; Thu, 20 Apr 95 12:46:56 EDT Received: by sparkyfs.erg.sri.com (5.65/2.7davy) id AA17507; Thu, 20 Apr 95 08:01:03 -0700 Received: from [] by sparkyfs.erg.sri.com (5.65/2.7davy) id AA17500; Thu, 20 Apr 95 08:01:00 -0700 Received: from SMTP2.mm.hub.nih.gov by web.nih.gov (8.6.10/1.35(nsb-1.0)) id LAA01810; Thu, 20 Apr 1995 11:00:48 -0400 Received: by SMTP2.mm.hub.nih.gov with Microsoft Mail id <xxxxxx@SMTP2.mm.hub.nih.gov>; Thu, 20 Apr 95 11:00:47 edt From: "Preston, David" <xxxxxx@otd.nci.nih.gov> To: Biz-biotech <xxxxxx@netcom.com>, int-prop <xxxxxx@gmu.edu>, techno-I <xxxxxx@erg.sri.com>, toohey <xxxxxx@finnegan.com> Subject: FW: new virus -Forwarded Date: Thu, 20 Apr 95 10:59:00 edt Message-Id: <xxxxxx@SMTP2.mm.hub.nih.gov> Encoding: 111 TEXT X-Mailer: Microsoft Mail V3.0 Sender: xxxxxx@erg.sri.com ---------- From: Mays, Tom To: Administrator NCI/OTD; Aut, Larry; Beccles, Angela; Christini, Michael; Cotreau, Bill; Covington, Rita; Crits, Adam; Cubert, Jeremy; Cuchural, Gary; Lovoy, Elizabeth; Lukacs, Frank; Marquis, Steve; Maurey, Karen; Mays, Tom; Mazan, Kate; Noel, Mark; OTD Receptionist; Paul-Carre, Larissa; Preston, David; Rhyu, Michelle; Scherb, Esther; Sybert, Kathy; Tsui, Amy; Zbar, Bert; Bialozor, Donna; Fuchs, Cindy Subject: FW: new virus -Forwarded Date: Thursday, April 20, 1995 8:08AM FYI. ---------- From: CSECUR-L%NIHLIST.BITNET To: Multiple recipients of list CSECUR-L Subject: FW: new virus -Forwarded Date: Tuesday, April 18, 1995 8:19PM I received the virus alert below from Dee DeZafra, PHS Information Systems Security Officer. She got it from the IRM College. Please disseminate the information appropriately within your organizations. Thanks, Jaren Doherty Office of Information Resources Management Phone: (301) 402-4445 Internet: xxxxxx@nih.gov -------------------------- [Original Message] ------------------------- ** High Priority ** Please read this message. Date: 04/13/1995 02:25 pm (Thursday) From: Bryce Timberlake To: ASY-TIS.TIS Staff Subject: new virus ** High Priority ** PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY! The following notice came across my internet connect this morning and will be released by DOE-HQ today, although it may be too late in some cases. "There is a new computer virus that is being sent across the Internet. If you receive an email message with the subject line "Good Times," DO NOT read the message. DELETE it immediately. Please read the messages below. Some miscreant is sending email under the title "good times" nation-wide. If you get anything like this, DON'T DOWNLOAD THE FILE! It has a virus that rewrites your hard drive, obliterating anything on it. Please be careful and forward this mail to anyone you care about. Thought you might like to know... The FCC released a warning last Wednesday concerning a matter of major importance to any regular user of the Internet. Apparently, a new computer virus has been engineered by a user of America Online that is unparalled in its destructive capability. Other, more well-known viruses such as Stoned, Airwolf, and Michaelangelo pale in comparison to the prospects of this newest creation by a warped mentality. What makes this virus so terrifying, said the FCC, is the fact that no program needs to be exchanged for a new computer to be infected. It can be spread through the existing e-mail systems of the InterNet. Once a computer is infected, one of several things can happen. If the computer contains a hard drive, that will most likely be destroyed. If the program is not stopped, the computer's processor will be placed in an nth-complexity infinite binary loop, which can severely damage the processor if left running that way too long. Unfortunately, most novice computer users will not realize what is happening until it is far too late. Luckily, there is one sure means of detecting what is now known as the "Good Times" virus. It always travels to new computers the same way in a test e-mail message with the subject line reading simply "Good Times." Avoiding infection is easy once the file has been received - not reading it. The act of loading the file into the mail server's ASCII buffer causes the "Good Times" mainline program to initialize and execute. The program is highly intelligent - it will send copies of itself to everyone whose e-mail address is contained in a received-mail file or a sent-mail file, if it can find one. It will then trash the computer it is running on. The bottom line here is - if you receive a file with the subject line "Good Times," delete it immediately! Do not read it! Rest assured that whoever's name was on the "From:" line was surely struck by the virus. Warn your friends and local system users of this newest threat to the InterNet! It could save them a lot of time and money." Please pass this on...especially to anyone you know that uses "America Online" regularly.