Re: SRA and NCURA Nancy Watterson 19 Apr 1995 06:53 EST

Evelyn:  The address for the Society of Research Administrators is as
follows:  SRA, 1200 19th Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington DC
20036-2401.  Telephone #202-857-1141 and FAX is 202-223-4579.  The
executive directors name is Carolyn Freeland and her assistant is Lindle
Lyndow.  I have an e mail address for both of them and will forward under
separate cover to you directly.  Further, Jackie Solberg is the Chair of
the Membership Committee and she is also on the discussion group.  I will
forward her address to you as well.  Have a great day.  NWD

On Wed, 19 Apr 1995, Evelyn Ford wrote:

> Does anyone have current contact addresses, FAXes, e-mail, etc., for
> these folks?  My info is old, and I haven't been able to get a response
> from one e-mail address that I do have.  Thanx!
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Evelyn J. Ford, Research Administrative Manager
> ASRI Neurosciences Research Center, Allegheny Campus
> Medical College of Pennsylvania and Hahnemann University
> Pittsburgh PA 15212  U.S.A.
> 412.359.4499 FAX
> 412.359/4475 voice
> --------------------------------------------------------