Re: IRB required signatures Paul Riofski 11 Apr 1995 14:21 EST

IRB applications here typically require the signature of the principal

The contracts and grants transmittal form requires additional signatures
of principal investigator's department chair, other department chairs (if
co-investigators are in different departments), and dean of the school.
If principal investigator's lab is located at an affiliated site (e.g.,
VAMC or SF General Hospital, an additional signature is required from an
official at that site.

On Tue, 11 Apr 1995, Scott Miller wrote:

> We need to get a quick survey if you please.
> could you please share with us your organizations signatures that are
> required on the IRB forms prior to submission to the IRB office (ex. Vice
> Pres., Dept. chair, etc.).
> also, what are the required signatures for your research sponsored
> programs/transmittal form or are they the same as above.
> we would especially like to hear from hospitals.  thank you.
> send info directly to: khan!
> Scott Miller
> Grants Coordinator
> Charleston Area Medical Center