Re: Conflict-of-Interest Committee Judy L. Fredenberg 05 Apr 1995 15:14 EST

The question was asked:

>Has any institution developed a standing Conflict-of-Interest Committee
>to receive and resolve matters of conflict or potential confict? If so,
>who are the committee members?

In our draft (4,578th version, I swear) policy, we have the advisory
committee appointed by the President and comprised of:  three faculty
members, each from a different academic unit; one academic affairs
administrator at the level of dean or higher; one student; and, one
full-time staff member.

Judy Fredenberg
Research Administration, UH116                        Voice: 406/243-6670
The University of Montana                                     Fax: 406/243-2797
Missoula, MT 59812                            Internet:


   Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.