Re: FRINGE BENEFIT POOLS Naegel, Gary P. 03 Apr 1995 13:11 EST

Pooled fringe rates have been used at Yale University for a long time.
 Basically there are two pools for full time employees, Participants and
non-participants of TIAA/CREF, and one pool for part-time and/or casual
employees.        The fluctuation from year to year has shown to either be
flat or increasing growth in the past several years.   Increases in medical
benefits, as well as the need to establish a fund for  retired employee
 medical benefits, have driven up the cost in the last several years.

 The future rates are always predicted to be higher for grant applications.
 The highest rate is currently for the non-TIAA/CREF recipients, which has
caused a lot of concern for faculty supporting post-docs and research staff
who rotate out of the University within a few years.    The Provost's Office
is currently studying the issue to see if a post-doc pooled rate might be
feasible for the University.

Gary P. Naegel
Administrator, Yale School of Medicine
(203) 785-4373
To: Multiple recipients of list RESADM-L
Date: Monday, April 03, 1995 11:41AM

I am interested in the experience of other institutions with fringe benefit

We currently estimate benefits for proposals using a percentage of salary
a fixed amount for insurance. We charge actuals. We are developing a new
payroll system and are considering moving to a pool for charges. If your
institution uses a pool,could you tell me:

1) How long have you had a pool?
2) How many categories of employees do you have?
3) How much fluctuation is there from year to year?

Also, if you have considered the option of a pool and rejected it, I would
interested in the reasons.

Thanks in advance.

Kathleen Harris
Texas Tech University
Phone 806/742-3884
Fax 806/742-3892