Info on capital campaigns -Reply
Linda Schwarz 21 Mar 1995 11:43 EST
I need help with an "assignment" given me by our Assistant Vice
President for Academic Affairs. We are about to embark on a major
capital campaign. Can anyone tell me if there is a source or list of
schools involved in capital campaigns (in the last 5 years) which also
gives their goals, time frame, $ actually raised and actual time needed?
In a related question, is there a list somewhere that contains endowment
(or is that one of these pieces of secret info schools won't share)? I am
interested in undergraduate institutions with enrollments between 2,500
5,000. Apparently our IA office hasn't done this sort of background
research. Thanks in advance -- Barbara
Barbara Nichols Randall
Office for Academic Affairs
Faculty Grants & Research
Siena College
515 Loudon Road
Loudonville, NY 12211-1462 e-mail: xxxxxx@siena.bitnet
You might be able to find this information by contacting the Council for
Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). CASE is, I believe, the
professional association for advancement folks. It's located in
Washington, DC.
Linda Schwarz, Northern Illinois University