Re: Use of IPA Agreements
Erica Magrum 08 Mar 1995 15:15 EST
The University of Maryland at College Park gets several IPA agreements
every year. These are personnel exchange agreements involving salary,
fringes and possible moving/travel expenses for the individual being
detailed to the federal agency. No overhead is allowed. Presuming that
your faculty member will be working at the federal agency and they are
supplying all the resources, an IPA is appropriate. Once in a while we
are approached by agencies who want to use an IPA for a faculty member
to conduct research on our campus...they get to use another pot of money
and no indirect costs can be charged. These should be contracts.
Most of our agreements cover a 12 month period - including the summer
period for those on academic year appointments. Unless the assignment
position carries a minimum salary (i.e. feds won't pay less than grade
18) or the faculty member must give up consulting while on detail, the
salary paid during this period is their university salary rate.
Feel free to contact me if you wish. With our proximity to Washington DC,
our IPA's have involved many situations and agencies.
Erica Magrum
Acting Director
Office of Research Administration and Advancement
University of Maryland at College Park
> I have only limited experience with Intergovernmental Personnel
> Agreements, so I cannot answer this question posed by one of
> our faculty proposals:
> Can an IPA between the feds and a state university cover periods
> of time when the faculty member would not normally be in the state's
> employ, such as summer or overtime? Do we have to (should we want to)
> use a contract instead?
> Any comments, war stories, or references would be helpful.
> Thanks in advance.
> Stuart A. Ross
> Office of Faculty Research
> California State University, Fullerton