Hazardous Waste Revisited
Nancy Peterson 07 Mar 1995 16:43 EST
My reading of A-21 is that as long as you can specifically identify the
hazardous waste disposal costs with a particular project, you can line item
the costs as a direct cost in the grant proposal budget. I'm interested in
finding out if any other institutions handle it this way.
We have a formula distribution for indirect costs received: a certain
percentage goes to the PI's department, the PI's college, the library, the
Grants Office, and Administrative Affairs. Hence, it will be difficult to
change the policy so one of those indirect cost recipients has to give up
their indirect costs for disposal purposes.
I am interested in finding out how other institutions handle hazardous waste
costs--both those associated with grants and those associated with
institutional projects.
Nancy Kay Peterson, Winona State University
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