Janice Anderson - STTR and SBIR programs Charles E. Graham, Ph.D. 01 Mar 1995 10:44 EST

In June 1994 Jane Youngers noted on this list that the Technical Assistance
Centers of the SBA present in most states and on many campuses have useful
information (see, Jane, we do pay attention!).

In addition, Dr. Phil Speser does presentations on SBIR proposal writing.
He worked on the legislation and knows the program well. I think I attended
his presentation a couple of years ago. He might know of some helpful
materials. His number was (is?) 206-385-9560 or 202-833-2322;

Fax: 206-385-9598 or 202-833-8844

Hope this helps. Regards, Charlie.
Charles E. Graham, PhD., Director, Office of Sponsored Research
117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 50310     504-388-8692;  FAX 388-6792