Re: IRB anthony boccanfuso 22 Feb 1995 13:33 EST

Regarding IRB's:

Our group at Bowling Green State U. is also large. I would probably
prefer to have a leaner and meaner group that was more dedicated to the
tasks at hand.  We will be looking at the composition of the group and
discussing changes during the summer.  I look forward to hearing otehrs
Tony B

Anthony M. Boccanfuso, Ph.D.
Office of Sponsored Programs and Research
106 University Hall
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403
419-372-0304 (fax)

On Wed, 22 Feb 1995, Bill Miles wrote:

> We are currently rethinking the composition of our IRB--frankly, it's too
> large.  I'm not sure such a creature exists, but I would be interested in
> knowing from any of you out there what the typical configuration of an
> IRB is:  how many members?  where do they generally come from?  how long
> do they serve?  Any info or advice would be welcome.
> Thanks.
> Bill