Disabled Study Participants
Bruce Steinert, PhD - Urology Research 17 Feb 1995 10:01 EST
By arbitrarily excluding disabled persons from participating in research
studies for which they otherwise qualify could be in conflict with the
Americans with Disabilities Act, if my interpretation is correct.
Rebecca's idea of contacting potential participants through human
resources is very good. We have an ongoing 'rare disease' study that offers
free membership in a nation-wide support association. Rather than revealing
the names of the participants, the association provided applications
marked 'complimentary'. These are given to the participants at enrollment
and they make their own decision whether to send them in.
Bruce W. Steinert, Ph.D.
Department of Urology
William Beaumont Hospital
3601 West Thirteen Mile Road (810) 551-2572 (Voice)
Royal Oak, MI 48073-6769 (810) 551-8107 (FAX)