LAN Manager -Reply LYNN 07 Feb 1995 06:03 EST

In the Division of Sponsored Research (DSR) at the University of
Central Florida, a Manager of Management Information Services
manages our LAN.  The LAN consists of both DSR personnel (Grants
Development, Contract Administration and Fiscal Management
sections) and the Research Coordinators in the campus institutes
and other campus personnel as needed.  This position also is
responsible for all software and hardware acquisitions and the
systems planning functions for the Division.  Our MIS Manager is
developing an integrated database system that will track
proposals from submission through award and closeout.  She
supervises a technical writer, two part-time staff members that
downloads RFP/BAA/Solicitation data and sends it to faculty, a
full-time programmer and a part-time programmer.  With the
increasing use of the LAN and now the Internet, this area is
being strengthened within our department and requests for
services becoming more formalized and planned.

Lynn Tacher
Contract Administrator