Re: Signature Authority DLYNCH@MAROON.TC.UMN.EDU 03 Feb 1995 14:46 EST

At the University of Minnesota, signature authority for acceptance of
sponsored grants and contracts was delegated by the Regents to the
President and/or the president's designee.  The president designated the
Associate VP for Research and he further delegated to the Director and
Assistant Directors of Grants and Contracts (in the Office of Research
and Technology Transfer Administration).

Cost sharing and match commitments must have departmental/dean approval at
the proposal stage.  Substantial deviations from the proposal require
review and approval by the original signing parties prior to acceptance
of the award.

Delegation of signature authority was affected, in part, by the sheer
volume of paper that passes through these hallowed halls.  Last year, ORTTA
handled 4,049 proposals and 3,005 awards, that's about 28 per day.  Review
and signing each would be more than a full time job for one person!

David E. Lynch, Contract and Grant Manager
Center for Transportation Studies, University of Minnesota
511 Washington Avenue SE, room 200 |  tel:  612.626.7983
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455-0220  |  FAX:  612.625.6381
U.S.A.                             |  internet: