Re: Signature Authority Janice M. Anderson 03 Feb 1995 10:04 EST


At Princeton the Director of the Office of Research and Project Admin.
(who is also Assoc. Provost) signs all grants and contracts, regardless
of size.  Those which have any cost-sharing components may be discussed
with the Provost and/or Vice Provost in advance, depending on the size
of the promised commitment.  If Univ. funds are requested by the proposing
department to meet the c/s, a review by the Academic Planning Group (Deans of
Faculty, College, Engineering, Grad. School plus the Provost, Vice-Provost,
and Chair of the Univ. Research Board) is required prior to proposal

I hope this helps.

Jan Anderson, Assoc. Dir.
Off. of Res. and Proj. Admin.
Princeton Univ.