Shipping Journals to 3rd Wld Nancy Geiger 30 Jan 1995 20:00 EST

I know of no funding source for shipping books abroad, but we ship unwanted
(recent) journals and books to the following non-profit organization which
in turn donates them to needy countries at the organization's expense.  We
only pay the cost of domestic shipping to Oregon.
 Northwest Medical Teams International, Inc.
 P.O. Box 10
 Portland, OR 97207
 Phone:  (503) 644-6000
 FAX: (503) 644-9000

Nancy F. Geiger, Administrator        
Department of Microbiology                      Voice: (206) 685-0870
University of Washington  MailStop SC-42        FAX:   (206) 543-8297
Seattle, WA 98195

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