Re: BEST North America Marilyn Summers 20 Jan 1995 16:57 EST

 That was the question I posed and the answer I received was that there
was no tracking mechanism other than each institution's own effort to do so.
I would also be interested to know if anyone has made the effort or if
the company has or will have such a capability.
Marilyn Summers

On Fri, 20 Jan 1995, Charles E. Graham, Ph.D. wrote:

> I would like to see Marilyn Summers' question about the worth of BEST
> answered in terms of return on the dollar: has participation generated new
> sponsored revenue commesurate with the cost and effort of participation?
> YES and NO answers would be interesting.
> .
> Charles E. Graham, PhD., Director, Office of Sponsored Research
> 117D David Boyd Hall, Louisiana State University
> Baton Rouge, LA 50310     504-388-8692;  FAX 388-6792