Re: Grant Writing Workshops Randall Legeai 19 Jan 1995 15:33 EST

>When I received the request for information pertaining to Grant Writing
>Workshops I immediately thought of Dr. Reif-Lehrer who presented at the
>SRA Meeting/Northeast in Pittsburgh.  She recently sent information
>regarding her "Grants Info Letter" (Contact to receive this information
>is TWC/EA, Box 645, Belmont, MA  02178.

I believe that Bob Lucas, of the Institute for Scholarly Productivity in San
Luis Obispo, CA, also does one-day proposal-development workshops.

Randall Legeai (
Institutional Program Development & Government/Agency Affairs
Tulane University, 327 Gibson Hall
6823 St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, Louisiana  USA
(phn) 504/865-5758 ---  (fax) 504/865-5274