Re: electronic information Rhea Epstein 13 Jan 1995 08:36 EST

> I am interested in receiving the Federal Register and the Commerce Business
> Daily electronically.  Can anyone tell me what services are the most
> economical?  What have your experiences been with them?
> I would appreciate any information or suggestions.  You can answer to
> RESADM-L or directly to me at:
> Becky H. Patterson
> Office of Vice President for Research
> University of Southwestern Louisiana
> P.O. Box 43610
> Lafayette, LA  70504
Our office is small--three strong plus a graduate student--and our
resources stretched.  Last fall we decided to try receiving the Federal
Register and the CBD electronically to see if it would help our work
flow.  We found that we were unable to keep up with the e-mail volume in
addition to all our other duties.  We are now discussing a return to the
paper medium.

Rhea Epstein
Radford University
Radford, VA