SPIN state-wide rates Michael Ludwick 09 Jan 1995 08:49 EST

Last month I posted an email message about InfoEd's half-price offers
on SPIN Gopher, and SPIN Micro or On-line, to institutions in states
where 8 or more schools in the state subscribed to InfoEd's services.
In the process of trying to bring together some Virginia schools I
discovered that we already had 8 (or nearly 8) using SPIN Micro or On-
line.  In addition, about that many (and probably more) were
interested in SPIN Gopher as well.

Thus, because Virginia probably already had at least 8 SPIN Micro or
On-line subscribers, because we had tried to organize a state-wide
effort to get state-wide half-price rates, because many institutions
in VA were interested in SPIN Gopher, and because William & Mary is a
small school ($10 million in expenditures, plus $7 million at
School of Marine Science) InfoEd offered William & Mary SPIN Gopher
for $1250 (half-off regular price) and SPIN Micro (monthly updates)
for $995 (also for half-off).

We have accepted the offer and look forward to using the service.  I
thought that since I posted the message last month that I should
update the list on what the results were at our institution.

For other states: you may want to find out who is using InfoEd's
services and then attempt to renegotiate your rates using that
information.  You, like Virginia, may already be eligible for state-
rates and not even know it.  Perhaps if you contacted InfoEd they
might even divulge that information and save you the trouble of
calling or emailing around yourself.  Good luck!



 Michael Ludwick                                    / \
 Associate Director of Sponsored Programs ___  __   |o|   __  ___
 Grants and Research Administration    ___| |__||___| |___||__| |___
 College of William and Mary          /                             \
 P.O. Box 8795                       /   # # # # #  /o\  # # # # #   \
 Williamsburg, VA  23187-8795        |   # # # # # / # \ # # # # #   |
 email: xxxxxx@grants.wm.edu           |   # # # # # |===| # # # # #   |
 phone: 804/221-3485                 |             | H |             |
 fax:   804/221-4910                 |_____________=====_____________|
