sponsored programs admin by a dummy foundation
John K. Stokes 13 Dec 1994 11:51 EST
Thanks to everyone that responded to the subject topic. I am using the
info to justify why the practice should be stopped. The campus officials
have recognized the problem for a long time but so far have failed to
convince systems officers of its severity. Again, thanks for your help.
If you think of of other factors, issues, or arguments that I can use to
justify not allowing sponsored grants and contracts to be handled by a
foundation organized to administer gifts only, please let me know.
John K. Stokes 501-575-3845 Voice
Research and Sponsored Programs 501-575-3846 Fax
University of Arkansas xxxxxx@UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU
120 Ozark Hall
Fayetteville, AR 72701