Could I ask for your help, please, on something where I suspect US practice
is probably in advance of what we do on this side of the Atlantic.
I would be glad to receive copies or summaries of any policies you may have
in place to regulate potential conflicts of interest when academic staff
undertake outside professional work or consultancies. In particular I would
like to know
- what information you require them to declare
- when they have to declare it (i.e. before or after (or both??) the work is
carried out)
- who has to give approval
- who has access to the declarations
- what is then done with the information.
Richard Tomlin Tel.: (+44)(0)191 222 6091
Director of Research Services Fax.: (+44)(0)191 222 5219
University of Newcastle Telex: 53654 (UNINEW G)
1 Park Terrace e-mail:
Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, GB