Re: A-21 Brad Quinn 06 Dec 1994 14:18 EST

This subject and more like it will be discussed at both the Academic
Health Centers Conference in Clearwater Beach, Florida (Jan 18-21,
1995) and at the Advanced Direct Cost Conference in San Francisco
(March 15-17, 1995).  Both programs are from the University of
Oklahoma's CENTER for Grant and Contract Studies which can be reached
at phone (405) 325-7091, fax (405) 325-7229.  The former program
includes discussion of what a full-time FTE is for medical center
faculty, independent contractor vs employee, and the XYZ system for
clincal faculty.
Brad Quinn
University of Oklahoma
1000 Asp Avenue, Room 210
Norman, OK 73019
(P) 405-325-7091
(F) 405-325-7229