Copying Journal Articles/Possible Copyright Violation Terry A. May 05 Dec 1994 17:21 EST

 I refer everyone to Science * Vol. 226 * 25 November 25 * Page 1315 --

 A New York Federal Appeals Court found that a Texaco Corp. scientist
was guilty of violating copyright laws by making 1 copy of each of 8
journal articles.  The issue was more complex than implied here but
apparently was related to what consitutes fair-use as is permitted by law.
The copies were filed for "possible" later use which was apparently
interpreted as stretching the fair-use provision.  This is not directly a
research administration issue, but it is an issue of research and the law
which faculty, etc. should know about.  I would guess we can all expect
more written guidelines from our respective university counsel offices
concerning their interpretation of what constitutes fair-use under
copyright laws.

Terry A. May, Ph.D.                       Voice:    602-523-6788
  Director of Research Administration     FAX:      602-523-1075
  Office of Grant & Contract Services     INTERNET:
  100 Babbitt Admin. Ctr., Box 4130
  Northern Arizona University
  Flagstaff, AZ  86011-4130